
Sunday 14 January 2018

Decorating The Home With The Yesteryear Furniture

Portsmouth is a place where people love to decorate the modern living room with antique furniture. You have the class and style of the splendid past recreated in your living room. The best part of antique furniture is that it adds some extra charm to your place. You can buy the refurnished antique furniture from the antique shops based on Portsmouth. Visit this page to know more about us.
Different types of antique furniture 

  •      Canterbury: This is the antique furniture which has slatted compartments to store music record along with musical books and newspapers. These slatted compartments are placed on the four legs with a top which is being used as a drawer to create extra space for storing things. The base of the four legs is provided with wheels providing dislocation of the furniture easily. This antique was created in 1780 and got its name from the name of arch bishop of Canterbury.
  •     Cellaret: A cellaret is a hinged container which was used in 17th and 18th century to store liquor or wine bottles. The box is made of wood with the inner walls made up of lead or metal. They could be placed in the dining room of the modern home and can be used for storing the wine and liquor. Some of them are compartmentalized. They are provided with a lock.
  •     Cheval mirror: This is the mirror which is placed between the two upright posts which rest on the trestle feet. The mirror is placed on the supportive frame which is known as cheval which in French means horse. The mirror got this name as the mirror stands freestanding with screws to change its position when required.

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