
Wednesday 11 July 2018

How to Add Terpenes to Concentrates and Extracts

You will need to consider the following factors.


Terpenes are available in isolated and premixed form. Isolates are perfect for advanced producers because blends and formulation options are endless. With proper R&D, custom terpenes blend suitable for effects and flavours can be created.

Premixed solutions are proven formula and suitable for a start up business who cannot afford R&D hours. Slowly, they can use isolated forms to create custom blends.


Terpene dosage for profiles, blends, and isolated need extra care. Highly pure aromatic molecules are class-III hazardous material. They are volatile and flammable in high concentrations. If you want to get more information follow our website.

Therefore, dilute them to a safer level, before using. Each terpene has different dosing range. In addition, it differs when blending multiple terpenes. Each mixture is based on your purpose. Are you aiming for effect or flavour? Use adjustable pipette and start small.


When you work with terpenes wear gloves, eye protection, avoid smoking, have fire extinguisher and eyewash station nearby as well as proper ventilation.

Reasons to add terpenes


Research has reported that terpenes offer medicinal benefits and aromas making the overall impact synergistic. For example, with two different kinds of cannabis having equal THC you can gain energetic and sedative effects because of the different types of terpenes in each plant’s profile.


Besides healing effects, terpenes also offer varied flavours. Some extraction methods destroy the presence of terpenes.  You can buy isolated terpenes to add flavours or enhance an existing one. You get to choose flavours ranging from sweet to sour to woody.

In nature, there are more than 30,000 terpenes extracted from plants like mint, basil, rosemary and cannabis. Cannabis derived terpenes are heavily concentrated. However, cannabis product producers can obtain terpenes from other plants to enhance flavours of their pre-established potent product without any hindrance to its originality.

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